House & Lot Fly


The House and Lot fly is a dry fly gem.  It float beautifully, attracts fish, and the white calf tail wings are visible to the fisherman.  The fly, also known as Ike’s Fly, was originally tied for President Eisenhower and named by him when he said something to the effect that “this is the house and the lot too. ”  Give this fly of the president and the principal a try.  You can’t help but like it. You probably don’t need a hundred but a half dozen will give you a start. Choose either size 12 or 14.

SKU: FL-HLS Category: Tags: , , ,


The House & Lot Fly will forever be a symbol of all that is special about fly fishing. In the early 1960’s when Dan was just beginning his long career as a fly fisher and entrepreneur  a very special school principal stopped by Pleasant View Resort which was owned by Dan’s family.  The principal was E.A. Wooten and a life long bond was established between him and Dan.  E.A. was color blind and the House and Lot was “his” fly because he could see it on the water.  Over the years Dan tied thousands of House and Lots for E.A. and used the fly as the two fished together on Lake City area waters.  The fame of the fly spread to many of E.A.’s school associates and if you happen to run into one of these guys on the stream he will probably- in the true spirit of E.A. – hand you a few flies – House and Lots of course.

Additional information

Fly Sizes

12, 14