Dan’s Fly Shop – Lake City, CO
Summer 2020 – Covid-19 Safety Helps

 Following National, State, and Local mandates Dan’s Fly Shop will make every effort to keep staff and visitors well and healthy while still enjoying a summer break in the out-of-doors.  To accomplish this we will ask all shoppers to respect the following:

  • Continue to practice physical distancing between yourself and other individuals. Six-foot distances are recommended.
  • Please wear a mask inside the stores and shops and outside in areas where others are waiting for service.
  • Please do not touch items unless you intend to purchase.  Using hand sanitizer when purchasing items such as rods or reels which need handling would help to mitigate.
  • Frequent use of hand sanitizer while shopping throughout the community will help protect yourself and others.
  • If coughing or sneezing persistently, please remain outside and away from others. If that unexpected sneeze or cough escapes, cover with your elbow.
  • Children must be accompanied by parents at all times and kept near and in control.
  • We will be monitoring the number of shoppers in the shop at a time.  There is much space and seating on the porch and lawn where folks can wait if necessary.

Guided Trips and Rentals

Please be free to make reservations for guided trips as soon as you have housing arrangements in place   We will have guides ready to assist you as usual with some necessary procedural changes.  970-944-2281

Guide clients will need to provide their own transportation to stream, however meeting at shop as usual.  Each client should monitor his own health – no fever or flu like symptoms – coughing, sore throat or known exposure to Covid-19 prior to the scheduled trip.

License Sales have never been accomplished with speed.  This year we will only be able to allow one person in line at a time.  This being the case, we suggest that all trip clients be sure you have a license in hand before the day of the trip if at all possible.  Getting them the afternoon the day before when there is less pressure would help get trips out in a timely way.

Guides will wear masks and gloves at any time when in confined areas and will be health checked before any trip. A contact-less thermometer is provided to assist in this as an elevated temperature is indicative of illness of some nature – particularly Covid-19.  But we must remember not the only indicator.

All rental equipment will be disinfected after use.

Due to the severity and long retention of the Covid-19 virus we will not provide the luxury of trying on clothing items and we cannot take returns for the duration of this pandemic.

We are prepared to offer “curb-side” or “porch front” delivery for those who do not wish to shop in store.

We thank everyone for helping us as we try to meet the challenges that have been brought upon us – all while hoping to provide as normal a summer as possible and allow as many as possible to enjoy Lake City while preventing the spread of illness.

Thank you!

Download a PDF of this COVID-19 Safety Policy

(970) 944-2281

Dan's Fly Shop Hours
June: 9:00-5:00
Summer: 8:00-6:00
October-May: Dan's Fly Shop is always open for mail orders

P.O. Box 220
723 Gunnison Ave.
Lake City, CO 81235

(970) 944-2281


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