It doesn’t get much better than this!

The hills are ablaze with color.
The early color seekers were disappointed to find hill and valley still green and flowers still blooming is full color. The warm summer weather seemed intent on continuing indefinitely. But fall has finally arrived and the hills are ablaze with color and the rustle of wind blown leaves. We have had a dusting of snow upon mountain tops and breezes suggesting that winter will soon follow.
Current Fishing and Weather Conditions
In dry fly fishing, the take of the fly is seen, not felt. Thus watching the fly is imperative, so follow these suggestions to keep the fly visible to you. !. wear polarized sunglasses. 2. use flies with white or light colored wings 3. position yourself with the sun behind you 4. watch for the fly as it falls to the water. Keep your eye on the fly. One note: there are light conditions in which are dark fly may be more visible.

Katy’s Brookie
Great Summer Fishing
Caught on Big Blue Creek on one of Dan’s Humpys, the long time favorite fly for the little meandering stream that we call “Big Blue”. Caught by Katy Setzer.